Academic Research
Publication of the essays / contribution articles / conference presentation about Digireha
Essays, Contribution Articals, Conference Presentations.
Practice Report "Proposal by "Digireha" to Stimulate Excitement and Creativity" -Art Meets Care Society 2019, Annual Meeting and Conference
"Having Fun will Become Therapy!- increasing Childrens' Possibilities with "Digireha"" - Occupation Therapy Journal, Vol.54 No.9 (August,2020)
"Digireha - The rehabilitation tool that will "Change Society", featuring digital art, created according to the perspectives of children -Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation vol.29 No.13. pp.1386-1391
Exploratory Study into the Disability Awareness Through an Inclusive Application Development Process Driven by Disabled Children」ーHCII 2021: HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Posters pp 31–38
"Adaptation to Vision Using the Digireha Eye Tracker apps" -The 8th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Physical Therapy Nov.27-28, 2021
"Children/People with Severe Disabilities × Digital"-Rehabilitation Engineering Vol.37 No.3, p.137-139, 2022
"Rehabilitation as you play" -Hagemi Nov.Oct.2022
Joint Research
We are looking for educational/research institution to collaborate with. If you are interested in research with us, please send us your request via the contact form.